Nemesia, tomoatoes and phlox, oh my!

Where in the world have I been for the last four months?! Sorry to leave you hanging like that. I've had a zillion different blog post ideas, but....I lost creative motivation. Things have been crazy around the farm and garden since then, and we've been quite busy. We have a whole slew of new baby cows, three new piggies, a Kindergarten graduate, an epic birthday party for my 5 year old, a ton of new house projects, and a garden full of life. And, by life, I mean weeds.

I've farmed a vegetable garden for several years now, but never really dabbled into flowers. We haven't really made the space for them yet. My uber talented mother-in-law has the most amazing flower garden, her gardens have been featured in magazines, amazing. So, when I've needed a flower fix, I'd just head over to her house and bask in the color.

This year I dabbled. Actually, I went off the deep end. Which is how I came up with my post title today..:Confessions of a Plantaholic..So, without further ado, here's a little humor for you.

*I planted 29 tomatoes in my garden last week, but only because I gave 5 away

*I grew them all from seed

*the odd number of 29 bothers my hugely, but I refuse to buy one to make my number even

*for four months my kitchen and dining room served as a greenhouse

*for four months I rotated tomatoes, peppers, various broccolis, cabbages, cauliflower, zinnias, marigolds, and nasturtiums from window to window and to the top of my pellet stove to give them warmth and sunlight

*for four months I cursed a lot and was ready to hijack a prebuilt greenhouse

*for four months my family wasn't allowed near said windows

*for several weeks, I carted a pallet full of flowers in and out of our barn to give them sunlight and warmth, then tucked them back in when it got too cold

*for several weeks I cursed Montana's weather and gave serious consideration to moving to a warmer climate, much to my MIL's delight

*It's going to be 36* tonight

*If my garden freezes, I'm going to pour concrete in it's place and sell snow cones

*I planted ninety pumpkin seeds in my pumpkin patch.............I downsized by ten seeds from last year

*Pumpkins may be my favorite thing to harvest

*I'm pretty sure I need more plants